Friday, October 5, 2007

Yeah it's Friday!

Brandon is going to try and leave Dallas at lunch time so hopefully I will get to see him in just a few hours! I have missed him so much the past 5 weeks. Peyton will be thrilled to see him...I think we'll surprise her and let him pick her up from school. I took Ryan back to the doctor this morning after ANOTHER sleepless night. He has a sinus infection so I'm glad we'll have antibiotics this afternoon instead of having to wait till Monday. He ran a really high fever most of the night and is so congested that he can't breathe. I will probably be hallucinating by the time I go to bed tonight since I'm still surviving on such little sleep. Guess I know how Brandon has felt the past few weeks. We decided to go ahead and head home tommorow after lunch. I'm glad...we will be busy just trying to take care of the house when we get home and it will be nice to have half of the weekend to get the yard mowed, everything unpacked, and watch some football hanging out with Daddy. Because come Monday he will be locked in his office. He will be totally swamped with work until after the holidays. I hate that he still has that much stress, but at least we are in the same zip code together again! Well...I have a ton to pack so guess I'd better get busy!


Erin said...

Yay! I'm so glad you are finally going to be together again. I know it's been really hard on you. Peyton will be so happy to see her daddy!

Steph said...

Ok, I'm a little behind on what's going on with you I have this right? Has Brandon been gone 5 WEEKS???!!! Well, I am sure glad for you guys that he's coming home today! Enjoy your weekend together!