Thursday, October 4, 2007

Better Day

Well, despite the fact that I am operating on only 3 hours of sleep again I can finally see a little light at the end of the tunnel. Brandon will be here tommorow night and then he is taking us all home on Sunday. I enjoy spending time with my parents but I am ready to go home. My kids are ready to go home! Brandon is ready to go home! I'm still not feeling good and will probably be taking myself and my kids to see Dr. Castillos and Dr. Ferrell as soon as we get the chance on Monday. Hopefully just being home will help us all! Maybe with daddy sleeping under the same roof Peyton and Ryan will both finally sleep through the night for the first time in well over a month. Well, Peyton will anyhow, Ryan has decided he likes Brandon's schedule and it has been killing me! The boy gets up between 4 and 5 am every morning and wants to stay up after eating his bottle. He cries himself back to sleep every morning because I do not want to play with him at that ungodly hour. I feel bad, but if it was just him and I could sleep when he slept we could do that but he's not an only child!
I am behind by 3 days now on my Beth Moore study. Hopefully I will get caught up this weekend. If nothing else, I'll do it on the drive back to Austin while Brandon is listening to sports radio. I am really going to have to set a schedule for myself when I get home. I want to be successful with my study, I ordered some new work out DVD's today that I am going to make myself do. I did these workouts when I was first married and it actually got me in awesome shape. I was skinny and eating healthy and a lot happier with myself. I'm going to have to work extra hard now after 2 babies. So, I've got to make time for that everyday. Plus Brandon and I have decided to do a bible study of our own. I picked out one today that looks pretty cool. It is a Tommy Nelson study so it will be good. It's called DREAM TEAM: The power of two. It is a study designed to strengthen your marriage and I think it is going to benefit both of us. We could always use good stuff like this, but it is particuarly good for us after this season (the work from hell season) of our marriage. I've only done one other Tommy Nelson study and it was great...we actually went to his church in Denton for a short time when we moved to Providence but didn't find personal connections in that church. I also used to hear him speak at Prestonwood to the singles every week before we got married. I'll let you know how that study is going too....maybe we could lead a marriage study at some point if there is a need at Resonate. So, as you can see my plate is going to be pretty full as far as my time to myself. You only get a small amount of mommy time when you have 2 kids running around on totally different schedules.
I hope that I keep up the blogging too when I get home. It is very helpful to write out all the thoughts that circulate in my head...most of the time anyhow! I am sorry if my last post sounded a little harsh...I didn't intend to make it sound like things weren't going well. I was extremely tired and frustrated and suffered from what my husband calls "verbal diarrhea". And I am rambling right now so I will bring this to an end. Please pray that we have a safe trip home! :-)

1 comment:

Gina said...

I am SO happy to hear that you are coming back HOME! You guys have a team of people here that love you and care about you, not to say MISS YOU very much too!!! Chris and I started back at the gym this week so maybe I can get a day or so in with you too, or at least be able to hold each other accountable!

Have a safe drive back home Girl!

See you Sunday!!! :o)