Sunday, June 3, 2007

Fury of a two year old

Today has been a difficult day with my daughter Peyton. She is almost two and has had the two year old attitude since she was about 14 months old! From the time she got up at 6 am this morning, she has been a royal pain in my butt! Or, I guess I should say eye since she gave me the first black eye today that I have ever had in my life! That's right, I am sporting a huge shiner thanks to my daughter's rage. By the time we got to lunch today the child had recieved more spankings than she has had in her short life. I had just finished cleaning up all the ravioli off the floor that she threw off the table in her anger (don't know where she's learned to throw things when she's mad!) and the soda she decided to pour all over the wall 30 minutes earlier. We decided to go to Lowe's so I was attempting to change her clothes while she was sitting in my lap on the floor when she threw her head back as hard as she could and hit me in the face. I actually saw stars, she hit me so hard! I thought she had gashed open the skin above my eye...that's what it felt like at first, but I didn't feel any blood. I'm proud to say that I gently set her in her crib, instead of tossing her, and went to inspect the damage. Within 2 minutes I had a black and purple egg above my eye. Having never been hit before, Brandon told me to immediately put ice on it to stop the swelling. I didn't feel like going anywhere. Peyton also happened to misplace my sunglasses two days ago so I couldn't hide my ugly face! I asked Brandon if he wanted to go out in public with me and face the ugly looks he was sure to get since it appeared he might be an abusive spouse. He thought about it a few minutes and then concluded quite humorously that my black eye paired with my nose ring (I pierced it last week with a friend) would surely have people guessing that I got into a chick fight. He told me that if anyone starred or dared to say something to me, all I should do is inform them that they "should see the other girl" and walk away. I'm sure they would buy that story as they see me load my cool minivan with my two kids!

All this said, I will not be making very many public appearances the next few days. I've also got some kind of scratch on my neck (I don't know which child that came from) that my husband thinks looks like a hickie. That is a mark he said he would take credit for! Wow, I'm reading back over everything I've written thinking I sound a little bit white trash today. Maybe looking at myself in my grandma style cover up I've been wearing to plant flowers in this afternoon is making me feel this way! I'm sure the neighbors who have seen me outside today are thinking I'm pretty classy! :-)


Unknown said...

Well, I am glad you have written. I know you are NOT asking for advice but, I have officially decided this week that spankings DO NOT work for either one of my kids. Ava Beth is a hitter and today I spanked her for hitting and then realized that maybe that did not make sense to her. UGH! So this week I am putting Ava Beth in her room for timeout and putting the gate up because she will come out if I don't. Josiah, well, still praying on that one. Ezekiel is still an angel!

You got your nose pierced? You and your FRIEND are so cool! Ha,ha! What cool moms!!! :)

Love you Cindy!

Unknown said...

One more thing! Isn't it funny how are kids are great for other people but not for us??! :)