Friday, December 14, 2007

Family Fun

We decided it was time to get some family photos done since we hadn't had professional pictures made since Ryan arrived nine months ago. I discovered that my absolute favorite place to take pictures, Portrait Innovations, now had a studio in Austin. So, we got all dressed up and headed over early in the morning to get our pictures made! As soon as we got there, Peyton decided she didn't want her picture taken and so began the battle! She wouldn't smile for anyone...we had 2 different people trying to help us out and make her laugh. Nevermind trying to get both kids to look at the camera at the same time. My mood quickly went downhill as Peyton sat for 1 picture with Ryan and then proceeded to throw such a tantrum that all the other parents began giving me sympathy looks. Fine I told her she was done. I'll try to get some cute ones of just Ryan by himself. By the time we got set up to do him solo, he decided it was naptime and began melting down himself. So what you see is the best we got...guess it's better than nothing! What you don't see in the picture of my husband and I is Peyton hanging from each of our hands thrashing around violently saying she is ready to go. The photographer was laughing about how we were able to keep our frozen smiles on the whole time. I told him obviously he didn't have any children of his own who like to create public spectacles of themselves or he would know how easy that is to do! :-)


Erin said...

Great pics! Your hair looks awesome!

So sorry to read about the kids' meltdowns. That is the worst thing, but there's not much you can do about it!

Sonya Terrell said...

Cindy....they are great! I love the picture of you and Brandon. Love the hair!

Gina said...

You look GORGEOUS!!! What a hot momma! :o) You guys made me want to get some picture done of just Chris and I, it looks so romantic...

Kristi said...

Your pictures turned out great despite the circumstances! I like them all!! That is awesome a Portrait Innovations opened up there, I wish there was one here!!

Ladybug said...

They still look great! LOVE your hair - you are looking fabulous girlie!

Sorry the kids melted down - that is so hard!

Steph said...

I was going to say exactly what Gina said...You are one hot mama! AND, the pictures look awesome!Payton and Ryan both look as happy as they are little models and do this all the time. A beautiful family is just a beautiful family, even on their worst days. :) Merry Christmas!

Melanie said...

I can't believe time has just flown by...look at your precious family! Wow! I remember the pre-baby stages filled with CARES events, Settler of Catan Nights, etc... God is so good! Your family is precious! Be sure to tell Brandon we said hello!